Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Beauty Of The Game

Cooler than the other side of the pillow is how you can describe the emotions of rising soccer star Alex Morgan. If you missed the game yesterday, in the words of ESPN analyst Ian Darke, you missed a "sure cracker." USA and Canada traded blows like a heavy weight slugfest. Christine Sinclair from Canada made sure it would take a Hollywood ending to beat them. Sinclair, one of the most gifted players in the world, put on a show with a hat trick and it still wasn't enough to break the will of the United States. Megan Rapinoe had two fantastic goals and Abby Wambach had her usual addition of another goal to tie the game, but the star of the game was Alex Morgan. The 23 year old had been on a little scoring drought, but waited for the perfect time quench that thirst in the 120th minute of overtime. Morgan has clearly left her footprint in the soccer world and has made sure the millions who have been watching at home don't forget it. To think, only one year ago Morgan and this team were walking off this field in defeat against the world champions from Japan. Now back for a second chance, the team hopes to regain their rightful thrones as the queens of the soccer world. Theres something about the conviction in the American spirit that makes sports and almost every thing else so precious to our society. I believe the reasons we watch sports are to witness moments like yesterday, ones that make us look around and say "did that really happen," even if we are watching in a room alone. That right there is the beauty of sports.

Alex Morgan after scoring the go ahead goal to be Canada

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