Wednesday, August 8, 2012

One Team, One Goal!

Why is the American media attacking its own athletes during the olympics. Isn't this the time of the year where we are suppose to come together as a country. We have media sources over here looking for a story to write so desperately that they will look for anything to write about even if its at the expense of our own country men and women. We have people getting on Michael Phelps for "not trying his best" during these olympics. How quickly we forget the amount of work he put in the last olympics to come away with a record eight gold medals. Then we still have those people who keep comparing this years basketball team to the dream team and continues to criticize of what they lack but fail to recognize what they have. One of the most shocking ones might be about the people who got on gold medal winner Gabby Douglas about how she was wearing her hair. Yes you read that right, we have stooped to the level of criticizing a 16 year old girls hair like a bad MTV reality show. The most recent criticism came towards LoLo Jones and how she was a bad sport after losing to two other fellow Americans. They pretty much described how she deserved it because of all the unearned attention she was receiving throughout the olympics. I mean we give back up quarterbacks in New York their own press conference, but talking about a woman who used to hold the olympic record in her event is "unearned attention," but I wont get into that. All I'm saying is, our athletes don't have to be over there playing for our country, they do that by choice. We should be supporting our athletes instead of trying to find anything to bring them down. Looking for little stupid stories like that is simply lazy journalism, step it up.

Team USA

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