Tuesday, August 21, 2012

If it aint broke, don't fix it.......well at least not yet

Emmit Smith once said, "all men are created equal, some just work harder in preseason." Well the Patriots' Jermaine Cunningham made sure Michael Vick got all he could ask for last night. Yesterday Michael Vick was a victim to another hit that sent him off the field and out for the game. Thankfully, it was a preseason, but nevertheless, he was forced to leave a game due to injury.
         After Vick was released from jail he had a breakout season with the Eagles and properly earned himself a huge new contract. Everyone was discussing how this was a new Vick that was being displayed, one who had the pass first mentality unlike his past. Vick made a name for himself in the mi 2000's with his electrifying plays that mostly consisted of him running with the ball and abusing the ankles of defensemen. Many have saluted the likes of Andy Reid for conforming Vick into the pocket passer that he is today, but that has only brought concussions, broken ribs, and jammed fingers to their start quarterback. Vick needs to get back to the basics, back to what made the Eagles want to take a chance on him by awarding him a 100 million dollar contract. The contract guaranteed Vick 40 mill, but if they don't let him switch back to his old style, it wont guarantee the Eagles many more years with him. There is a danger in changing too much in the search for perfection.

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