Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Redeem The Dream

After watching the Bejing olympics where the "Redeem Team" dominated the world of basketball, you may ask yourself, how can they match that success this year. One of your friends might tell you that it wont be that hard if they've had success like this before in 1992 with the dream team. In the heat of discussion you may just blurt out, "well this team was better than the dream team." Before tempers begin to flare, grab your friend on the shoulder and tell them, "just think about it."
           In 1992, Barcelona hosted the olympics where we saw the greatest team ever assembled in sports. Conversation has come about that maybe the "Redeem Team" from the 2008 olympics could have beaten that team. Now you think to yourself, theres no way thats possible, the dream team had Jordan, Bird, Magic and a plethora of other hall of famers. The one thing many seem to forget is that a couple of those hall of famers were at the end of their careers. Bird and Magic were both on their way out of the league. Now if they were playing the '08 team in their prime, I feel there would be a better discussion. The fact of the matter is that, there is no way they would be able to match up with the '08 boys. I mean you could put Mike on Kobe, but then what, you going to put Scottie on Lebron, or even Bird? The '08 team was just way more athletic than the dream team, maybe not as skilled, but definitely more athletic. I mean I couldn't see Stockton stopping any of the point guards from '08. The match ups would play a big role in the game. This takes nothing away from what the Dream Team accomplished, I just feel that the game has evolved in ways we may have never imagined, 'kids' have gotten stronger and faster at such an early age. But then again, who knows, the conversation is always up for discussion.

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