Thursday, July 5, 2012

Record Breaker

At the age of 44, worldwide track star Michael Johnson is still breaking records. Johnson has broke the record for saying the absolutely most stupid comment an athlete can say to the public. Yahoo reported that Michael Johnson said, "slavery has benefited superstar athletes like himself because of a 'super athletic gene'." Johnson continued to explain that he accredited all his success from a gene that all African Americans gained from slavery. If thats the case I do not know why I am sitting here and writing this article and not at the Olympic trials competing with everyone else. Im not sure if Im more surprised that he discounted all his hard work and effort or that he tried to use slavery as a pedestal to stand on to dignify all his success. He later brought up why he didn't understand why people never brought it up or talked about it. Here is a word of advice Mr. Johnson, if you got something that you believe is this "obvious" and you wonder why people are not saying anything about it, its usually because its STUPID.
Olympic Gold Medalist Michael Johnson

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