Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Gotham City will rise again.....

Pump the brakes Knicks fans, it is not the end of the world yet. Just because Jeremy Lin is gone does not bring doom to Knicks nation. Let me remind you, even with "linsanity," we still ended the season with the seventh seed. Would I like Jeremy Lin on the team, definitely, but will I miss him, absolutely not. Let me also remind you, Jeremy Lin did not go to the celtics, the heat, the nets, the lakers, or the thunder. He went to the Houston Rockets. The Houston Rockets! As big as a basketball fan I am, I cant even name two people on the Houston Rockets. The Houston Rockets havent been relevant since Nate Robinson dunked on Yao Ming. We probably wont even see more that four Rockets games on national T.V. Gotham City will rise again, even if it does take a 85 year old party rocker in Jason Kidd and an overweight national champion in Raymond Felton. Let us not forget that we still have Melo, Chandler, and Amare who will get better by playing with each other for another year. We also have a dignified bench with Jr Smith and Steve Novak coming in with instant offense. Our problem was never putting the ball in the basket, it was denying other teams from putting up triple digits on us every night in and night out. How dare anyone think that keeping Jeremy Lin would have fixed that problem. I totally get what Lin brought to the Knicks off the court with all the revenue and all the buzz, but last time I checked, thats not what wins you games.

"this guy trying to hold Gotham City hostage, who does he think he is"

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