Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Patience for Success

 Happiness is a choice, why else would they have on a piece of paper that we have the right to the pursuit of happiness. You will always have the right to strive for that, but believe me, it is never something guaranteed. J Cole once said, "Anytime you base your happiness on something unattainable, you will never truly be happy. I used to base my happiness on success, but once I got it, I wanted more. I base my happiness on what I have." I sometimes believe that when we are striving to better ourselves we so badly want success and happiness to be synonymous with each other. Over the years social media has tainted the image of happiness and success. Social media has us comparing our lives to everyone else's highlights. When we see friends post pictures of lavish things or lavish places, we question ourselves to why we don't have the same. That doubt is what leads us to believing we are living up to what we should be, therefore, are not successful.
          As a sports journalist I always saw, or at least wanted my destination to be those big four letters, ESPN. Once I feel I accomplished the impossible and made it, the glitter didn't seem to be the gold. I was so focused on striving for success that I automatically assumed the happiness would follow right behind. I put so much pressure on myself to obtain this goal I had set to make it that I lost sense of the substance of to why I created this goal in the first place. Billy Jean King once said, " Pressure is a privilege."
         Over time, I have learned that success should not be measured by the destination, but simply by the journey. Instead of comparing yourself to someone else's success, compare yourself to your old self. Your happiness and success should stem from the process you create from bettering yourself day by day. The world has an interesting and diabolical way of making it seem like its all crashing down around you, and however, at the same time, can all be fixed with one simple deep breath and exhale

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