Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Dear Tim and Melanie...

Think about your best friend, it could be your wife, your husband, your parent, maybe someone you grew up with. The person who knows everything about you, who roots for you. A best friend is one who never hesitates to tell you when your fly is down or to give you some of the best life advice like, "always keep an emergency six pack in your trunk because you never know when there could be a party." 
But on a serious note, the ancient Egyptians had a beautiful belief about death that I think is always good to remember when going through life. They believed that when their souls reached the gates of heaven the guards would ask them two questions that determined if they would be able to enter or not. The first question would be, "have you found joy in your life?" I think you have found joy in your life with proof that we are here today and you are sitting next to this beautiful woman. The second question the guards would ask would be, "has your life brought joy to others?" I think I am living proof that that answer is clear. I think everyone here is living proof that that is clear. 

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