Friday, January 25, 2013

Rock Wall!

This past week I got to take a trip to ESPN for a meet and greet/interview. For me, being a sports journalism major, ESPN is the end all be all career wise in my eyes. I got to meet one guy who had been working at ESPN for 30 years now. He began working there as a janitor just around the building and now helps produce one of the most successful shows ESPN broadcast, ESPN First Take. He explained to me his whole journey from working from the bottom up and shared some advice I've never heard before. He told me, "life isn't simply about moving straight up, sometimes you have to rock wall." At first I didn't understand what he meant, but then I thought about how one climbs a rock wall. When your climbing a rock wall, you don't just go straight up, sometimes you have to reach out side to side and move horizontally in order to reach the top. Once he got his foot in the door, he managed to keep working his way up slowly until he reached what he wanted. He preached to me about how patience is one of the most over looked traits it takes to work in "the business." Overall, after that day, after hearing that advice, I am going to carry that with everything I'm trying to accomplished. Hope you feel inspired.

1 comment:

  1. Great observation and great advise. He is right about patience. Without it those of us who have achieved anything in life would not be where we are today. Keep up the good work and good luck.
    Alceen Ford-Meggett
