Thursday, January 2, 2014

Throwback Thursday

Why is “Throwback Thursday” such a popular thing in our society all of a sudden. Why do we feel the need to share things that happen early in our lives with the world? 
Hearing the news about James Avery on the day before Throwback Thursday was un real. It automatically sent my mind back to the 90’s. Remembering all those classic episodes of Fresh Prince, the little life lessons they taught, and the effect it had on my adolescent over sugar saturated brain. It reminded me of how enjoyable the 90’s were as a kid. The 90’s were a simplistic time where your biggest worry as a kid was to be home before the street lights came on. Maybe our generation enjoys Throwback Thursday because it reminds us of how easy times were before. It brings a therapeutic vibe over us and possibly also a false hope that times will one day go back to those that we cherished. Its almost ironic that we use technology to remind us of the simple times. 
It’s saddening to see “characters” who played such an iconic role in your childhood makeup fade away. It sounds crazy now, but I think back then, at such a young age, it was easy to get attached to these fictional characters. Hey, it was the 90’s and thanks to Throwback Thursday we can keep hold of those memories.