Thursday, November 7, 2013


I think a lot of people are looking at this Incognito situation in a wrong way.  I think when the term "bullying" is attached to a situation there automatically has to be a party that is labeled "strong" and a party that has to be labeled "weak."  Unfortunately there is an image that follows that are constantly attached to these parties. Jonathan Martin currently has been walking around with the victim label tattooed on his forehead for all to see, well deserved or not that is the question. 
            The more I learn about the story its almost becoming harder to single handily blame Richie Incognito for his actions. I think the one major problem I have about this whole situation is with some of the teammates who considered Incognito an "honorary black man. "They believed with that label a pass slip came instructed with some actions he was able to partake in.  The video on TMZ of him calling Mike Pouncey a ni**a and Pouncey appearing perfectly cool with it is a little alarming. For that I think its for people like that to call Martin weak for walking away when you are sitting here letting someone talk to you crazy and not check that dude right then and there. Teammates said they were cool with him using that name towards them. I personally can't tell them how comfortable they can be with their teammates, but when thats clearly not the norm in the outside world, you can see why people are looking at y'all sideways when you come at the media's neck for critiquing you. I feel if you really are cool with him using that word to you and you think he's an "honorary black man" or "blacker" than Jonathan Martin, then bring Incognito to a real black neighborhood with you and see how your boys look at you when he uses that word towards you. Bring Richie out to Oakland, Harlem, Camden, Detroit, and let him talk to you like the "honorary black guy" and see how your boys look at you. 
          Don't get me wrong, I think Jonathan Martin should have stood up for himself and stepped to Richie Incognito for what he was saying. One thing that is annoying to hear are people who are like "if that was me I'd put my hands on him right there, be a man." If that is something you would truly do when you have a problem with someone that shows me that you clearly have never had a REAL JOB before in your life. I think people don't understand that the NFL is a REAL JOB. This isn't college or high school ball where people do this for fun or just to hang with their boys. People go to this with the intention on getting a pay check at the end of the day to provide for their family. You can't just fight whenever you have a problem with someone and not worry about the repercussions that can affect you and your family later down the road. Its unfortunate that both of their actions will now have a negative effect to their future down the road. I think at the end of the day who knows how this situation would have ended if Martin actually told someone about Incognito in the first place. This is just my opinion about this whole situation.