Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hashtag Knickstape

Tonight is the night so many of us have been waiting for. The NBA season is finally here! As a Knicks fan, this is where we determine how high we want to put our hopes so that when they come crashing down we know how much face we need to try to save. With the new acquisitions to our team our average age may now be older than the original Harlem Globetrotters. However, I have much faith in Mr. Anthony after the showing he had in London. He is the last one in the core of the '03 draft who has not gotten it done, and this year he has to step up. Time to get it done Knicks Nation. 

Dreamers vs. Realists

“There are dreamers, and there are realists in this world.
You’d think the dreamers would find the dreamers and the realists would find the realists. But more often than not, the opposite is true.
You see, the dreamers need the realists to keep them from soaring too close to the sun.
And the realists?
Well, without the dreamers…they might never get off the ground.”

                                                                      - Eric Stonestreet

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Everything ain't for Everybody!

"Never give up" may be one of the shortest cliches with one of the tallest orders. Its been about two years since I've graduated college and I still find myself figuring out what this degree Springfield gave me really means. I feel this little piece of paper has simply validated that I've simply only scratched the surface of the "real world." I definitely walked into college thinking my degree would be the key that would begin to open doors for me, but boy was I wrong.  The day after graduation has probably been the biggest reality check I've had since realizing money didn't "grown on trees."
           Sports Journalism has been my plan since graduating college and so far it seems after two years I have taken baby steps with that plan. I think the most annoying word a journalist can hear is "freelance." Freelance to me simply means no stability, and if there's one thing a college student is looking for when they graduate with thousand dollars of loans, its stability. I have been doing so many freelance gigs here and there that have offered that instant gratification of cash, but that doesn't mean much when bills come in. Patience is another one of those words us journalist hate to hear, especially when its coming from someone who has what you want. I've learned with patience though, sometimes you gotta pass on good in order to get to great. That life lesson wasn't learned without its fair share of trial and error.
           Many people wont understand the life of a journalist, hell, I barley do. The random hours and random pay will throw off even the greatest of minds. But I mean hey, everything ain't for everybody, certain people can deal with what it throws at you. I think after my many, many, many, MANY times of trial and error throughout the past two years have really confined my mind into how to flow throughout this business to get to where I want to be. Time is that one thing that seems to take forever when you don't want it to, but will fly by you when you are trying to hold on to every little bit. My parents still don't think I have a job because of the way freelance works. Its always hard to have people understand your drive, but there's one answer I've learned when people ask why you do it. "Why Not," is the greatest answer to all positivity. So to my fellow journalist, keep grinding, I mean hey, the older ones have to fall off eventually.