Friday, September 7, 2012

A Country Of Two Faces, But One Heartbeat

Not really a big fan of politics because it usually brings out the worst in many, but I just wanted to write a little something after the two conventions. It's amazing how our country prides itself on unity and yet we can find ourselves so distant from each other so often. Now I'm not saying its stupid to have two parties, because its important to have two views on what happens with our country. Different minds is what makes this country the greatest country in the world. I guess the interesting thing is the amount of hate, dislike, and disrespect each party could have for one another. The stubbornness that halts production and evolution of this country is also a problem we seem to face. I always thought it was interesting that the most powerful part of our country, the government, is so distance from each other when it comes to so many things. Take this for an example; what if we had a democratic and a republican army? What if we had members of the army who chose which battles they wanted to fight. I guess my point is that if we can have people commit the ultimate sacrifice, fight together for one cause, whether they are democrats or republicans, why cant the people who send them their act the same way. That may be an extreme example, but i guess just the principal of the unity theme we spread, our leaders need to learn to practice more what they preach. Thats my little political rant for the year.